Hotel Alexandra is a family run hotel and especially concerned with ensuring a sustainable development for the benefit of our guests, staff, local community and future generations. The climate challenges are a big and important responsibility, and Hotel Alexandra wishes to contribute.
Environmental measures
In recent years we invested heavily in a new energy plant to phase out the use of heating oil. Hotel Alexandra will now utilize offshore technology to heat up both swimming pool and hotel rooms. This means that we now use only energy from the fjord and electricity from renewable local hydropower, which results in low energy consumption and no greenhouse gas emissions.
Our new energy ensures us several environmental benefits, and we are proud of being fossil free and only using renewable energy:
• No greenhouse gas emissions
• Use of heat pumps based on renewable energy
• Cooling by the use of seawater. The cooling energy in seawater is transferred to the hotel cooling systems using a heat exchanger, without use of cooling devices
• Fjord heat for heating of the entire hotel
• Heat recovery
• More secure and energy effective operation of the energy plant
• Energy monitoring
• Electricity is produced locally, mainly in Innvik
To save even more energy we also evenly change windows and doors in the hotel.
All our hotel departments have a great focus on waste separation and are sorting food waste, plastic, paper, glass, and metal. Food waste is dried and reduced by approximately 76 %.
We invested in a new and sustainable laundry, where all detergents and cleansers are Swan labeled, and we avoid transportation of linen, towels, and clothes.
Through our main supplier NORES we set standards for our suppliers. NORES demands that all suppliers and subcontractors have an active environmental profile and an action program for the environment.
All pest controls are non-toxic, through Anticimex.
We facilitated for electric cars with 24 charging stations by the hotel.
Drinking water is from the mountain right behind the hotel.
In addition to running the hotel we engage in other measures like for example facilitating trails – especially through our ownership and engagement in Loen Skylift and also through the cooperation with The Norwegian Nature Inspection on building the Skåla trail. The trails are built to control traffic, to avoid wear and tear outside the trails, to avoid erosion and to encourage to more physical activity. The trails are for the public and benefit both locals and visitors.
The Community
As a cornerstone in a small municipality, it is important to contribute to local wealth creation. We continuously work to create and maintain good and safe jobs, according to rules, regulations, and collective agreements. This is to ensure our employee's regulated terms and working conditions. Through occupational health services we secure follow-up and prevention of disease, and we have an active work environment committee.
We support local organizations through sponsorships, prizes, arrangements and gifts.
In all building projects we mainly use local companies, and most of our other suppliers are also from the local community.
We engage in reusing building materials, furniture and interior as much as possible.
We aim to use good local products to serve our guests. This contributes to local wealth creation and reduces need for transportation. This is also more and more appreciated by our guests.
We are proud of our history and culture, and try to convey this to our guests through food and drink, art, storytelling and dissemination of our rich traditions.
Economic sustainability
Hotel Alexandra is a solid company, having delivered good and stable results over many years. This makes us able to constantly developing the product, secure safe jobs and do the right investments.